Sylvia M. Adler

San Francisco, California

I have recently retired and closed my office in Berkeley. I practiced for almost 50 years in the same building where Stanley worked, and where we held Center for Energetic Studies teaching programs. In the early days of my professional work, I was a co-founding member of the Family Institute of Chicago. Shortly after moving to California in the early 1970’s, I attended my first Stanley Keleman workshop.

During the many years since our first meeting Stanley and I formed a deep personal and professional relationship, including powerful individual sessions with him as well as professional collaboration.Ultimately to my surprise, delight, and enormous personal benefit thus began my never-ending and ongoing journey of personal embodiment, guided by Stanley, learning experientially how to engage myself in my own formative process and then to guide others.

We developed and co-led programs applying formative principles to family therapy titled the Family Body. We co-authored “Couples Therapy As A Formative Process” in the Journal of Couples Therapy, Volume10, no. 2, 2001. Other articles of mine appear in different journals.

Some of which I am pleased to contribute to this website.