Richard Adelman

M. A. Psychology
San Miguel de Allende, Mexico

I am Certified in Feldenkrais and Pilates and have studied osteopathic techniques, My work goes beyond biomechanics to elucidate and deepen the subjective experience of the life feeling within each person. I have lived in Mexico for the past 20 years and speak both English and Spanish. I have been studying and participating with Stanley Keleman and Formative Psychology since 1971. The Formative Approach has been invaluable in teaching me to how to learn from myself and to form the capacity for self- influence in living an embodied life. The empathetic guidance of Stanley Keleman and Sylvia Adler have been central to these efforts. As an almost life-long conga drummer and teacher, I am particularly interested in helping people appreciate how they may be interfering with and can more authentically live their own personal rhythm.