Phil Seab

MD Neurology, retired
Formative Psychology
Archive Project

San Francisco, California

After 30 years of clinical practice in the California Bay Area, I enjoy a relaxing schedule deepening my personal experience of Formative principles and cooperating with others to share and preserve Stanley Keleman’s vast body of work.

From 1970 to 2018, I was fortunate to attend Stanley’s programs on a regular basis, and over time come to know him as a friend. We exchanged frequent and creative discussions intersecting Formative principles, biology and physics. His creativity was always a work in progress. He embodied an overflowing fountain of ideas and novel connections; possibilities to be translated and honed through practical experience. He lived what he taught, always formative in his orientation, whether in conversations with others, teaching programs, planning publications, and especially in his great curiosity and enjoyment in applying the latest scientific research to human behavior. On the subject of how to live a formative life, I learned as much from experiencing him as I did from what he wrote and taught.