Peter Wright

Berkeley, CA

I am an Executive and Performance Coach, and a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. My first meetings with Stanley in 1994 produced a memorable clash of wills, and introduced me to his remarkable availability and profound, embodied understanding of emotions. This inspired what became a 20+ year adventure in Formative discovery through personal and professional studies with Stanley. In 2015 he asked me to become the manager of the Formative Professional Group in Berkeley. Along the way I have supervised numerous graduate students from a Formative perspective and continue to introduce principles of Formative Psychology to professionals in groups on-line, and in-person in collaboration with Clifford Goldenberg.

I currently support individuals, couples and families online and in my office in Berkeley, California., where Formative Psychology is a primary influence in my work. The relationship between action, experience and identity, is my ongoing interest. As Stanley once said, “the real insanity is believing you have only one identity.”