Martha Knobler

Berkeley, California

I have an office in Berkeley where I practice psychotherapy with individuals and couples, and offer consultation, remotely and in person. My interest and experience in Family Systems works well with Formative Psychology, and I bring my experience leading grief groups to my practice as well.

I was fortunate to begin with Stanley when I was a young woman. In 1974 I immersed myself in his embodied approach and began learning to develop myself personally and professionally. Over the years I attended all his workshops, classes, and professional groups, and had regular individual sessions with him — a phenomenal learning experience that continued until his death in 2018. Using the Formative Practice over the years has given me a practical way to make a home in myself and to help others. Formative Psychology provides the HOW of going beyond understanding to DOING, learning to develop as we each choose. Influencing how I body myself in daily living has enabled me to form a ground of sweetness and joy. I find great satisfaction in guiding others in this practical, experiential learning.